Explore Eduhouse's training offerings by starting a 7-day free trial.
You can start your free trial here. Fill in your information in the fields and click "Start Trial Period". After this, you can log in and the service will be available for you.
The trial period is valid for 7 days and it grants you access to recorded trainings in the following subject areas: Finance & Tax, HR & Payroll, DigiSkills, PowerSkills, Business Basics, Management and Supervisor, Sales & Customer Experience, Cloud Pro, Cloudskills, AI, Sales skills and Cyber Security. The trial period does not grant access rights to Digital Classroom trainings.
After the trial period ends, your rights to view the trainings will cease, but you will still be able to log into the service, as well as view your completed studies and download certificates, for example.
If you have any questions regarding the trial period, you can contact us via chat or by email at asiakaspalvelu@eduhouse.fi
Please note that you can only start a new trial period once a year, with a 12-month interval between each. We can make an exception if, for example, due to an illness, you are unable to utilize the trial period during its validity.